banned substances
- n.(禁止运动员服用的)违禁药物
- banned substance的复数

The interview where Armstrong repeatedly said he was coming clean about his use of banned substances .
Alex : You don 't think that people who use steroids and other banned substances should be punished ?
It stipulates that anyone who lures or cheats athletes into using banned substances in either domestic or international competitions faces up to three years ' imprisonment and a fine .
This method enabled the IOC to catch seven athletes who had taken banned substances .
The United States has restricted some imports of Chinese seafood because they contained banned substances .
He said Olympic athletes today are careful because past athletes lost medals for unknowingly using banned substances .
Oliver Catlin runs the Banned Substances Control Group , an American firm which tests sports supplements for forbidden drugs .
The November report was primarily focused on track and field , but Rodchenkov described the whole spectrum of Russian sport as tainted by banned substances .
Sharapova tested positive for meldonium during January 's Australian Open , a medication added to the list of banned substances at the start of 2016 .
While there should be flexibility in cases of those who inadvertently take banned substances , those who wilfully transgress should face exemplary penalties .
Although FIFA has agreed to follow the WADA 's procedures , they insisted that punishment handed out to plays following positive test for banned substances should depend on each individual case .
About 80 percent of the food at the Asian Games Town is procuredin China , where food safety inspectors were carefully monitoring and testing for banned substances that may have entered the food chain , the paper added .
Before the Games , international sports officials tossed out assorted male and female lifters from Azerbaijan , Armenia , Cyprus , Kazakhstan , Moldova , North Korea , Romania , Turkey , Ukraine and Uzbekistan , a Fodor 's guide through the world of banned substances .
The solution aims to test chemicals and decide if it contain banned hazardous substances in accordance with EU REACH legislation as well as more popular industry standards .
However , Australian pentathletes haven 't been found to have taken any banned drugs or other banned substances during the competition .